The Bible defines faith as 'believing God'. Abraham is the primary biblical example of a man who believed God:
Abraham believed in the Lord, and God counted it to him for righteousness.
Genesis 15:6
For the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not given
to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the
righteousness of faith.
Romans 4:13
In the verses above,
we first find the definition of faith (believing God), and then
secondly we are told that faith constitutes righteousness in the sight
of God. This emphasis upon faith is found throughout the Bible, and is
the continuing theme of the New Testament:
For God so loved the
world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
Romans 3:28
But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that comes to
God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6
In order to understand
the place of faith in our relationship with God, we must go back to the
beginning of our relationship with Him.
When God created the human race and placed us in the Garden of Eden, He gave us one Law to live by:
Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it:
for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die.
Genesis 2:17
GOD'S COMMANDMENT WAS SIMPLE: There was only one Law, not many.
GOD'S COMMANDMENT WAS EASY: It was a commandment not to do something; to simply believe God.
GOD'S COMMANDMENT WAS CLEAR: God said that righteousness cannot be
achieved through learning the difference between right and wrong; to
learn right from wrong would be a sin worthy of death. The way of
righteousness was to simply believe God and take Him at His word.
There was a serpent in Eden who contradicted God, challenging Eve concerning what to believe:
And the serpent said unto the woman 'You shall not surely die. For God
knows that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened,
and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.'
Genesis 3:4-5
In effect the serpent was saying 'God knows right from wrong, and He is
righteous. If you learn right from wrong, you will be like God, and be
able to achieve the same results that He has achieved!'
and Eve were confronted with a life and death decision about whom to
believe. God had said 'You shall surely die!', and the serpent said 'You
shall not surely die!'. God has placed a powerful survival instinct
within all of us. Because logical people will not do things that might
lead to their own destruction, Adam and Eve had to be completely
convinced that their decision would not lead to death. They could
believe God's words, or the serpent's, but not both; there could be no
middle ground. Whatever their choice, it would have to be a wholehearted
one; they would have to be convinced of its wisdom.
In the Bible faith in God is also called 'the fear of the Lord'. Some
people say that they don’t want a God whom they must fear. They imply
that such a God must be a tyrant. Their objections overlook, however,
the fact that the love of God has already been clearly manifested to us.
It is He who has made us and placed us on this planet in the first
place, and has opened the door to everlasting happiness for all of us,
based simply upon the requirement that we acknowledge His
trustworthiness and allow Him to lead us.
God wants to be a
Shepherd to us. When He created us, He brought us into a dangerous
universe where the forces of good and evil were already engaged in
battle against each other. He created us as free moral agents, and with
that moral freedom came the possibility either living forever (as a
reward for righteousness) or dying (as the reward for wickedness). And
God made our choice as clear and simple as it could be.
who discount the value of fear in our lives are really striking at the
very foundations of human society. Fear is an essential part of our
everyday experience. Our fear of death prolongs our lives and guides us
to success in almost every important thing that we do. We generally view
fearless people as dangerous, and as either uneducated, foolish or
We teach our children to look both ways before crossing
the street, and not to go with strangers, because we fear for their
safety. Men dig down to bedrock before putting up buildings, bridges and
dams because they fear the waste of wealth and loss of life that might
result from carelessness. We pass laws about the proper testing and
construction of planes, trains and automobiles because we fear crashes.
NASA tests and re-tests its equipment and procedures, because it fears
encountering some unforeseen event in space. The fear of lawsuits
governs doctors and hospitals in the practice of medicine.
People who reject 'the fear of God' don't really have a problem with
fear; they have a problem with acknowledging and obeying God. Fearing
God is the ultimate foundation of all human success; it represents the
wise path that God has chosen to someday lead people to a paradise where
fear and death will be forever abolished.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the Lord prolongs days, but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.
Proverbs 10:27
Despite God's warning of death, Adam and Eve believed the serpent
instead of Him. They disobeyed God and ate the forbidden Fruit. What
convinced them that they would not die? They believed that the Fruit
would give them two kinds of power:
1) The power to produce their own righteousness.
2) The power to tempt others, preventing them from being more righteous.
Adam and Eve believed that God would not be able to condemn them
because they would be able to achieve a measure of goodness, while at
the same time preventing anybody else from being any better. Instead of
righteousness being defined by God, it would become 'a relative thing',
defined by man and man's desires. Instead of man meeting God on His
terms, God would have to meet men on their terms.
Why did Adam and Eve disobey God in the first place? What was the
attraction that prompted them to disobey God? The Bible tells us that
the Fruit was attractive in three ways:
And when the woman saw that
the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a
tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit and did eat,
and gave also to her husband with her, and he did eat.
Genesis 3:6
The Fruit was attractive to Adam and Eve because
1) It was beautiful to look at.
2) It was a tasty and brought physical pleasure.
3) Its knowledge would exalt them, raising them to God's level of wisdom.
The forbidden Fruit was the one beautiful thing, the one sensual
pleasure and the one degree of glory that Adam and Eve were not allowed
to have. But to Adam and Eve the forbidden Tree represented much more
than fruit. Because of the knowledge it contained, the Fruit represented
the possibility of pursuing unlimited pleasure and self-glorification
without any fear of God's judgment.
Although God had created
them and given them life, had given them a relationship with Himself,
had given them authority over a magnificent planet, had given them
marriage and the prospect of raising children, and had set before them
the possibility of eternal life as well, this was not enough for Adam
and Eve. They wanted more. The Bible refers to this over-the-top,
unrestrained desire as greed, lust or covetousness. The apostle Peter
attributed all of the moral corruption in the world to lust, and the
apostle John set forth the clear distinction between loving God and
loving the things of this world:
Whereby are given unto us exceeding
great and precious promises: that by these you might be partakers of
the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world
through lust.
2 Peter 1:4
Love not the world, neither the things
that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the
Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the
flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the
Father, but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust
thereof: but he that does the will of God abides forever.
1 John 2:15-17
Why does John say that it is impossible to love the world, and to love
God also? Because Adam and Eve were offered a close and personal
relationship with the Creator of the universe, but this was not the most
precious of all things to them. They wanted something else more than
God Himself. Instead of worshipping God, they admired what the Fruit
offered. Their covetousness amounted to idolatry; admiring something
more than the Creator. This is why Paul equated covetousness with
Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth;
fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and
covetousness which is idolatry.
2 Colossians 3:5
It is
interesting to observe that when the Lord Jesus was tempted by Satan in
the wilderness, He also was tested around these same three aspects of
desire (Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-12). First, after having fasted for 40
days, Jesus was tempted to satisfy His physical desires (His hunger) by
turning stones into bread. Secondly, Satan took Jesus up to a high
mountain so that He could see the visual splendor of all of the kingdoms
of the world. Jesus could have had all of the fine cars, fancy homes,
jewelry and beautiful women that He might have wanted, but He refused
it. Lastly, Satan took the Lord Jesus up to the highest point of the
Temple (which Jesus Himself, the God of Israel, had instructed Moses and
Solomon to build), and challenged Him to glorify Himself as the Son of
God. Such a demonstration of His divinity would have been most
appropriate in that particular place. But rather than claim what was
rightfully His in any of these areas, Jesus chose to humble Himself and
put His identity as a man obedient to God, above His identity as God
Let that mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
Who, being in the form of God (in heaven above) did not consider it a
thing to be clung to, to be equal with God. But He made Himself of no
reputation, taking on the form of a servant, and came (to earth) in the
likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled
Himself and became obedient unto death; even the death of the cross.
Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is
above every other name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow;
of those in heaven and those on earth, and of those under the earth.
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:5-11
Well said Dear Brother.
ReplyDeleteCraig Rippy forwarded your message regarding educational materials to our office at Christ's Evangelical Foundation. But we do not have an email contact to respond. Please try contacting us via email at so that we can follow up with you. Blessings in Christ!
ReplyDeleteWhat We Believe
A. The books of the Old and New Testament are the fully inspired word of God, a perfect treasure of Divine Truth. (II Tim. 3:16;
II Pet. 1:21; Psalm 12:6)
B. The Holy Scriptures have been divinely preserved.
(Isa. 59:21; Jer. 36:20-32; I Pet. 1:23-25)
C. The Holy Scriptures are the final authority in all matters of faith, life, and practice. (Mark 7:6-9; Acts 17:11, Hebrews 4:12)
D. We, as believers, are responsible to study, know, and believe the Word of God so that we may live a holy life by faith in Jesus.
(Matt. 4:4; John 17:17; Rom. 12:2; Col. 3:16)
A. God is one and exists eternally in three Persons – the Trinity.
(Deut. 6:4; Rom. 3:30; Matt. 28:19)
1. The Father is God. (Col. 3:17; I Thess. 1:1; I Pet. 1:1)
2. The Son is God. (Jn. 1:1-2, 14; Jn. 20:28; Acts 20:28;
compare Revelation 1:8, 21:6, and 22:13)
3. The Holy Spirit is God. (Acts 5:3-4; Acts 13:2;
Heb. 3:7-11; Heb. 10:15-17)
B. God has revealed Himself to be:
1. Omniscient (Dan. 2:19-23)
2. Omnipotent (Gen. 17:1)
3. Omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-12)
4. Holy (I Peter 1:15; Lev. 19:2)
5. Just (Rom. 3:21-26)
6. Love (I John 4:8)
7. True (Josh. 23:14)
8. Eternal (Ex. 3:14; Psalm 90:2)
9. Unchanging (James 1:17)
10. Sovereign (Rev. 6:10)
C. God the Father has chosen God the Son, Jesus Christ, to have the preeminent and central place in the Church, with God the Spirit working in us to make this a reality. (John 15:26; John 16:13-14; Col. 1:15-18; Phil. 2:9-11)
D. We, as believers, are responsible to worship and glorify God in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24; I Cor. 6:19-20; Psalm 100)
ReplyDeleteA. The Lord Jesus Christ is true God and true man, uniting His Divine and human natures in one undivided person. (Phil. 2:6-8; I Tim. 2:5)
B. Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. He yielded Himself to death on the Cross as the perfect and sufficient sacrifice for our sins and those of all people. (I Cor. 15:3; Luke 1:26-36; Rom. 3:22-26; Heb. 4:15)
C. Jesus was resurrected with a glorified physical body and ascended to the Father, where he is the advocate for all who put faith in Him. (John 20:26-28; I Cor. 15:4-8; I Tim. 2:5)
D. Jesus will return to earth visibly and in glory for His Church.
(Acts 1:11; I Thess. 4:16-17; Rev.1:7)
E. We, as believers, are responsible to know Jesus Christ as our Head – of the Universal Church, of the local church, and of each individual believer. (Eph. 1:22; Eph. 4:15-16; I Pet. 1:1-2)
A. God the Holy Spirit regenerates with eternal life and personally
indwells every believer who puts his faith in Jesus Christ for salvation from his sin. (John 3:5-7; Rom. 8:9; Titus 3:5)
B. The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in every believer in Christ at the
instant of salvation. His indwelling presence is the seal of our salvation. If anyone does not have the Holy Spirit, he does not belong to Christ. (I Cor. 12:13; Rom. 8:9)
C. As a church, we acknowledge that believers sincerely hold a variety of views regarding the Baptism, the filling, and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Since such views are not essential to Salvation, we are committed in love to allowing believers within this body to differ in good conscience. (I Cor. 13)
D. We, as believers, must not quench or grieve the Spirit, and are to be led by, filled with, and walk in the Holy Spirit. Our experiences will be demonstrated by the fruit of the Spirit revealed in our daily living.
(Gal. 5:16, 18, 22-26; Eph.4:30; Eph. 5:18; I Thess. 5:19)
ReplyDeleteA. The Lord Jesus Christ is true God and true man, uniting His Divine and human natures in one undivided person. (Phil. 2:6-8; I Tim. 2:5)
B. Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. He yielded Himself to death on the Cross as the perfect and sufficient sacrifice for our sins and those of all people. (I Cor. 15:3; Luke 1:26-36; Rom. 3:22-26; Heb. 4:15)
C. Jesus was resurrected with a glorified physical body and ascended to the Father, where he is the advocate for all who put faith in Him. (John 20:26-28; I Cor. 15:4-8; I Tim. 2:5)
D. Jesus will return to earth visibly and in glory for His Church.
(Acts 1:11; I Thess. 4:16-17; Rev.1:7)
E. We, as believers, are responsible to know Jesus Christ as our Head – of the Universal Church, of the local church, and of each individual believer. (Eph. 1:22; Eph. 4:15-16; I Pet. 1:1-2)
A. God the Holy Spirit regenerates with eternal life and personally
indwells every believer who puts his faith in Jesus Christ for salvation from his sin. (John 3:5-7; Rom. 8:9; Titus 3:5)
B. The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in every believer in Christ at the
instant of salvation. His indwelling presence is the seal of our salvation. If anyone does not have the Holy Spirit, he does not belong to Christ. (I Cor. 12:13; Rom. 8:9)
C. As a church, we acknowledge that believers sincerely hold a variety of views regarding the Baptism, the filling, and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Since such views are not essential to Salvation, we are committed in love to allowing believers within this body to differ in good conscience. (I Cor. 13)
D. We, as believers, must not quench or grieve the Spirit, and are to be led by, filled with, and walk in the Holy Spirit. Our experiences will be demonstrated by the fruit of the Spirit revealed in our daily living.
(Gal. 5:16, 18, 22-26; Eph.4:30; Eph. 5:18; I Thess. 5:19)
ReplyDeleteA. Sin is anything contrary to the character of God. God is neither author of nor responsible for sin. Sin was introduced into the Angelic realm by Satan and into our world by Adam. Sin is the result of preferring self over God. (Job 34:10; Jas. 1:13-14; Jn. 8:44; Rom. 5:12)
B. Sin results in death (separation from God). When Adam sinned all men were counted guilty. Sin is inherited – we are born spiritually dead and possess a sin nature. Sin is committed and salvation needed by all men everywhere. This includes those having no other revelation from God than the outward testimony of creation and the inward testimony of conscience. (Psalm 51:5; Rom. 1:20; Rom. 3:23; Rom. 5:12; Rom. 6:23; Ephesians 2:1; James 1:15)
C. Man’s basic responsibility is to face honestly the facts of sin:
1. We commit sin because we choose sin. We cannot blame
circumstances, God, our own “weaknesses” (preferred
areas of sin), or being overcome by temptations “just too
strong” for us to
handle. (Psalm 51:2-4; Mark 7:15; I Cor. 10:13;
James 1:14, 15)
2. God knows our most secret sins and cannot be deceived.
(Psalm 139:1-4; Jer. 17:9-10)
3. God has always provided a means to justly forgive sin
through faith, if we will but openly admit our guilt.
(Psalm 51:17; I John 1:9)
ReplyDeleteA. Our Lord Jesus Christ died on a cross of shame and humiliation, shedding His blood as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. (John 3:16; Matt. 28:19-20; I John 2:2)
B. Salvation is a free and everlasting gift of God, received and retained entirely apart from works. Salvation is received by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us.
(John 3:16-17; Gal. 2:16; Eph. 2:8-9)
C. There is no other means, way, religion, or name for salvation than by grace by faith in Jesus Christ. (Jn. 3:18; Jn. 14:6;
Acts 4:12)
D. One who has received Christ by faith will not be lost. (Jn. 10:28-29; Rom. 8:38-39; I John 5:13)
E. Every believer is responsible to evangelize the world. Accomplishing God’s call must occupy a place of highest priority in every Christian’s life. God’s call includes: unity, Godly living, witnessing, and support of missions (prayer, hospitality, and financial support). (Matt. 4:19; Matt. 28:19-20; John 13:35;
Rom. 12:13; Col. 4:3-6; Eph. 4:1; III John 5-8)
ReplyDeleteA. The New Testament Church is composed of all believers from the day of Pentecost to the rapture. The Church is the Body of Christ; a person becomes a member when, upon their faith in Christ as Savior, they are baptized by the Spirit into the Body of Christ. (Rom.12:5; I Cor. 12:12-13; Eph. 1:13)
B. Within the local church, a group of believers meets together for ministry, edification, fellowship, worship, and teaching.
(Acts 2:42-47; I Cor. 14:12, 26, 31; Heb. 10:24-25)
C. Dayspring Fellowship belongs to the Southern Baptist Convention, the North Carolina Baptist State Convention, and the Yates Baptist Association. We hold an historic Baptist position that the local congregation is totally independent of any external, ecclesiastical control. However, the Church cannot be self-sufficient, but must submit to its Head, the Lord Jesus, for guidance, protection, and power. We hold that the Church is one church regardless of denominational distinction. (Col. 1:18; 4:15-16; Eph. 1:22-23; Eph. 5:29-30)
ReplyDeleteA. We believe in the personal, imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall return bodily, at a time only the Father knows.
(Matt. 24:30-36)
B. Believers who have died are consciously present with the Lord. At Christ’s return, they will return with him and be reunited with their resurrected and glorified bodies, meeting the Lord in the air. Then those Christians who are alive at Christ’s return will be instantly transformed and receive glorified bodies, ascending to meet our Savior. Thus we shall always be with the Lord.
(Acts 1:11; I Cor.15:42-44; I Thess. 4:13-18)
C. Every human being will be personally held accountable before God in the final judgment at the end of this age. Unbelievers will be called to account for their unbelief and for their deeds done in the flesh. Believers will be called to account for their obedience to the Lord and His word and for the fruit which their life in God has produced. Unbelievers will be separated from God eternally. Believers’ works will be judged according to their spiritual worth; the quality of each person’s work will be revealed. (Rev. 20:10-15; I Cor. 3:11-15)
ReplyDeleteA. We believe that God’s will is sovereign, and that rightly applied, God’s truth always produces life and good fruit of every kind. Thus the Bible is forever our final authority in all issues of public morality and social justice.
B. While this position often means conflict with the world, we purpose to treat every person with respect and love, no matter what disagreements we may have on particular matters of social behavior or policy. We will strive to understand the distinction between matters that are absolutely clear in Scripture, and those which are matters of personal conviction.
C. We as believers are responsible to know and speak the truth, but also to apply the truth to our own lives and the lives of others. We are responsible not only to believe correctly, but “to do justice, love, and walk humbly with our God.” (Isaiah 1:15-17, Micah 6:8, Matthew 28:18)
ReplyDeleteWe believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the absolute deity and full humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, the authenticity of His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection and His present mediatorial work in heaven.
We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit. We believe He gives life, He sanctifies, He empowers and comforts all believers.
We believe that the Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments in their original texts, are fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, without error, and are the final authority for the Church.
We believe that man was originally created sinless. Tempted by Satan, man fell and thereby brought the whole race under the condemnation of eternal separation from God.
We believe that man is saved through repentance and faith in the finished work of Christ. Justification is through grace alone.
We believe that the Church is the body of Jesus Christ composed of all true believers. The present work of the Church is the worship of God, the perfecting of the saints and the evangelisation of the world.
We believe in the personal and bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ to consummate our salvation and establish His glorious Kingdom.